Payment Details
You will receive an email if your application is successful, due to demand it may not be possible to accomodate every applicant.
A 50% non refundable deposit is due within 7 days of acceptance of your application, you will be sent the payment details via email when you receive your booth confirmation.
Final 50% booth payment due 1st of September 2025.
Terms & Conditions of Exhibiting
- The Organiser means NZ Tattoo & Arts Festival. The Exhibitor means the hirer of the booth from which they are allocated to exhibit from.
- The Organiser reserves the right to alter or add to these conditions as may be necessary to comply with laws regarding owner/lessor, exhibition hire and generally for efficient running of the event.
- The Exhibitor agrees to indemnify the Organiser in respect to any liability such as taxes, duties, fees or charges incurred from selling product or services from their allocated booth.
- The allotment of space (booth) by the Organiser to the Exhibitor constitutes a license to exhibit/sell and not a tenancy.
- The Organiser reserves the right to alter the size or shape of the sold floor plan should the event not be fully sold, or for any other reason. However should this be necessary the Exhibitor will receive prior notice from the Organiser- this will not void this contract from either parties.
- The Exhibitor shall not construct a display stand taller than 2 meters without prior written consent from the Organiser.
- The Exhibitor shall not paint, post, staple, nail or screw any walls, ceilings or floors of the exterior or interior of the exhibition venue.
- The Exhibitor is liable and responsible for their booth and its operation.
- Display partitions: The Exhibitor shall maintain these in the condition they find them. Only velcro dots can be used & the Exhibitor must not replace or restructure their booth once erected.
- All Exhibitors must comply with regulations and laws such as dangerous good, OSH and safety and health regulations.
- If the Exhibitor is selling to the public they must comply with and be liable to any NZ consumer laws such as the Fair trade act and the Consumer affairs act. This is the responsibility of the Exhibitor and the Organiser will place liability for any breach of the law onto the Exhibitor.
- Security will be provided by the Organiser outside show hours. However it is the Exhibitors responsibility for their own security of their booth during show hours.
- At all times that the event is open, Exhibitors are expected to conduct themselves and their booth in a professional business like manner by:
- Keeping the booth open at all times
- Keeping products & displays clean at all times
- Conduct all business from within their booth
- By not displaying anything outside their booth area
- Not to allow sale by auction, lottery or raffle without prior consent of the organiser and/or license from required NZ authority
- Not operating any type of machinery or sound system which may cause nuisance or annoyance to other Exhibitors or members of the public
- Do not act in a way which may in the opinion of the Organiser, public or other Exhibitors bring discredit to the event
- Use any materials, displays, machinery etc which could be deemed as unsafe or have undue health and safety risk
- The Exhibitor is required to pay a non refundable deposit within 7 days of acceptance of their application by the organiser.
- The Exhibitor must pay the balance of the fee by 1st of September 2023.
- Failure to pay the deposit or the balance of the fee when required shall result in the immediate cancellation of the licence to exhibit.
- When advertising the festival, the Exhibitor must refer to the full event name being: “NZ Tattoo & Art Festival” and use any marketing material or logos as supplied by the Organiser.
- The Organiser retains the right to cancel, postpone or reschedule this event without voiding this contract providing the Exhibitor is informed in writing/phone 10 days prior to the first scheduled show day.
- The Exhibitor will reimburse and indemnify the Organiser for all costs and expenses incurred by it in making good any damage to the venue resulting from any act or omission on the part of the Exhibitor or the Exhibitors employee’s, contractors or invitee’s.
- The Organiser may assign its rights and obligations under this agreement to any person without consent of the Exhibitor.
- Failure by the Exhibitor or any of its employees, agents and/or contractors to comply with the terms and conditions set out herein may, at the Organisers discretion, result in termination of the licence upon immediate notice to the Exhibitor.